Why Choose Podpage to Build a Podcast Website?

With Podpage, you can build a beautiful podcast website in 5 minutes (or less). We asked podcasters why they love Podpage.

Why do podcasters prefer a podcast website builder like Podpage?

1. Easy to Use

Jodi Hume
Podpage solved ALL our existing problems and ones we didn’t know we had!

Jodi Hume

Podcast host of So Here's My Story

2. Professional Design

Kat Kourbeti
Podpage websites are very intuitive and easy to navigate as a listener, and from the back end it’s very easy to keep things up-to-date without needing to do extensive upkeep yourself, freeing up time for more important things like actually producing the podcasts! It makes you a website that looks perfect for podcasts, puts your episodes in the centre of attention, gives you a place to aggregate links and reviews and even revenue collection, with tools like Patreon or Ko-fi.

Kat Kourbeti

Podcast host of The Write Song

3. Significant Time Saver

JJ MacLean
Podpage automatically imports everything, making it a lot easier and a big time saver!

JJ MacLean

Podcast host of GoingVC

4. Stellar Customer Service

Chris Martin
Podpage is just so easy to use. The times that I asked for help with things, Podpage just added a new feature, often with a few hours of me reaching out! Just incredible customer service. They take care of distribution and everything, I just upload my episodes and blog posts, it's super easy!

Chris Martin

Podcast host of Beyond Your Imagination

5. A Central Destination for Listeners

Cindy Burnett
With Podpage, I can direct people to a single place to listen to the show on Apple, Spotify, or whichever place they listen to my show. You can also design the home page, easily create each episode page, add transcripts, link to articles I write for other publications, start blogging, add sponsors, and include my show notes. I’m not the most technical person, so once I found Podpage, I didn’t look back.

Cindy Burnett

Podcast host of Thoughts from a Page

6. A Cost-Effective Price

Krister Greer
Podpage is a very simple and cost-effective tool that lets me do the bulk of what I'd like to with minimal effort for upkeep. If you're looking for a website that will provide all the various ways to listen to your show and easily build you a basic podcast site in minutes, then I'd definitely recommend them.

Krister Greer

Podcast host of Pop, Collaborate, & Listen

Build a podcast website in 5 minutes.