Customer Story

Suuuper Anime Podcast went to the #1 slot on Google in 2 weeks.

Using their podcast host's provided website, Suuuper Anime Podcast's website was being buried in Google search results. Moving to Podpage fixed this almost immediately.

Edward Adjaye

About the Podcast

The Suuuper Anime Podcast is a show that looks to entertain, inspire and inform you about anime. We provide our opinion and thoughts on various anime topics, as well as look at it from a real-world perspective on what we can learn from anime.

Features Used

Before Podpage

Before Podpage, we had no real organic presence. The provider we were using at the time, provided a very basic page which did not include my show notes. This was frustrating as a key part of SEO is having relevant keywords on a page that Google bots can crawl and understand what a domain is about so it can index the domain correctly. The better and more relevant the page is in answering search queries the more chance to appear on the first page of Google. 

Subsequent to not really being recognized by Google bots, it also meant that when people searched for us, they could not find our podcast brand domain, or they would see it as part of various social media/podcast app company pages due to those brands having a larger domain authority. This meant that there was no central place for people who searched for our podcast name to be directed too as it was usually on page 4 or 5 on Google. The result of this meant a heavy loss in potential web traffic. 

I saw our website go from page 5 on Google to the number 1 slot!

Edward Adjaye

After Podpage

Suuuper Anime Podcast website

After moving to Podpage, getting a new website, which included the addition of pulling in show notes from our podcast host meant that our website was more crawl friendly and could be better ranked by Google. Within a couple of weeks, I saw our website go from page 5 on Google and to the number 1 slot for our domain name when people searched for Suuuper Anime podcast

Podpage is also brilliant as it allows our website to act as one central hub for all our various media platforms that we are on. The social media and podcast apps that were all showing up randomly when our podcast was searched for can now all be accessed and viewed in one place thanks to the plugins that Podpage has with those platforms. 

With our podcast now at number 1 when searched for, we saw and continue to measure an increase in web traffic across Google Analytics. Speaking of Google Analytics, we were amazed to see that Podpage had an easy integration solution for us to integrate our GA account with. Another integration they had is with Google Search Console. This integration allowed us to confirm with Google that our domain exist so Google could easily locate and crawl our website for indexing. The simplicity of this integration has helped us gain greater organic visibility as it relates to our domain ranking.  

Suuuper Anime Podcast website
Suuuper Anime Podcast website
Suuuper Anime Podcast website

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