Customer Story

Starfleet Leadership Academy's mailing list grew by over 300%

The Starfleet Leadership Academy is a leadership development podcast that moved from Wix to Podpage to better connect with listeners.

Jeff Akin

About the Podcast

The Starfleet Leadership Academy is a leadership development podcast told through the lens of Star Trek. Starting in May 2020, Jeff Akin watches an episode of Star Trek, extracts leadership and management lessons from the episode and shares them in an entertaining and relatable manner.

Features Used

Before Podpage

My previous Wix website solution was very manual. I needed to add episodes myself if I wanted them to have the user experience I want for my listeners. Despite having a WYSIWYG interface, I wouldn't have been able to create my desired experience without some experience and knowledge in coding.

Functions such as SEO, mailing list capture and communications were complex and well beyond my beginner skill level. To maximize these essential functions I had to hire someone with expertise to set it up on the platform for me. Even after that, maintaining or updating them was an arduous task.

My workflow and manual time spent managing my website has decreased dramatically since moving to Podpage.

Jeff Akin

After Podpage

Starfleet Leadership Academy website

I started using Podpage in April 2021. In less than 30 minutes, I had my Podpage page up and running. I no longer had to do manual updates; the solution interfaces seamlessly with my podcast host and integrates the additional information I want for my user experience without my intervention. If I only used Podpage for podcast episodes, I could set it up and almost never have to use it again. I also publish a blog on Podpage, though, so I do interact with the admin tools regularly to post those.

Essential functions such as SEO, mailing list capture, communications and even monetization take just a few minutes to set up and optimize. Most recently I have added a fillable pdf download to people that subscribe to my mailing list and I was able to set that up in Podpage very quickly.

Starfleet Leadership Academy website
Starfleet Leadership Academy website
Starfleet Leadership Academy website

The final result

My workflow and manual time spent managing my website has decreased dramatically since moving to Podpage. Often, when moving to an easier experience it is expected you will sacrifice an aspect of the solution. That simply isn't the case. While my touch-time has fallen, my listeners enjoy an improved user experience as well. The best of both worlds!

See what your podcast website could look like in less than 30 seconds.